Support coordination and LAC models to best implement plans

Support coordination and local area coordination (LAC) models can support plan implementation for people with disability.

The evidence also suggests that LAC interventions can be effective tools in reducing social isolation, enhance individual wellbeing and acting as a social glue for communities. 

What did we review? 

This project critically summarised international literature on services that are equivalent to NDIS’s support coordination and LAC models.

Using a comprehensive search and analysis of the best quality published evidence, we found: 

  • Evidence that support coordination interventions are seen by disability planners, consumers and their families as important facilitators of successful plan implementation.
  • Indications that LAC interventions are likely to deliver positive outcomes in relation to social isolation and sense of agency and control over health and wellbeing for its target cohorts, including supporting their vision of a ‘good life.’ They also act as a social glue for the communities they work with. 
  • No published data regarding costs or cost-effectiveness of support coordination interventions.
This page current as of
14 May 2024